
5 Things Every Small Business Needs to Know About Managed IT Services

5 Things Every Small Business Needs to Know About Managed IT Services

If you are operating a business, no one needs to tell you how important technology is to that business. There is no industry where technology does not come into play. Managed IT services is a great way to ensure that you stay on the cutting edge of technology without breaking the bank.

If you’ve been looking for a way to have an experienced IT team at an affordable price, managed IT services can be the solution you have been searching for. Every small and medium-sized business owner needs to know these five things about managed IT services to make an informed decision.

Affordable Services

Roughly 49% of small businesses are outsourcing their IT security needs. Many more are outsourcing all of their IT services. The number one reason small and medium-sized businesses are turning to IT companies that offer managed IT services is affordability. There are significant savings when you outsource your IT needs compared to hiring an in-house IT services team.

Here are some ways you can save by choosing managed IT services and IT support from a trusted IT company:

  • You do not have to pay a salary and other benefits. You also do not have to provide a space for an in-house IT specialist or team.
  • You do not have to pay for expensive subscriptions or licensing. You also do not have to pay for training and certification for an in house team.
  • You do not have to pay for the additional space to house IT equipment.

When you start doing the math, you can really see how the savings stack up. Most IT companies provide everything you need to take advantage of the latest technologies and they do it remotely. An IT services company absorbs all of the day-to-day costs like training, licensing, certifications, and more. You reap all of the financial benefits and can stay focused on your core business responsibilities.

Expert Talent

By outsourcing your IT needs through managed IT services, you will have access to the best talent in the field. IT professionals are in very high demand. As a small or medium-sized business owner, it can be difficult to find the best talent and keep them. You won’t have to worry about that when you outsource your IT services.

Proactive Approach

Professional managed IT services take a proactive approach. They constantly monitor for potential issues and act fast to correct them. In most cases, you will never know there could have been a problem. With 24-hour monitoring from managed services, your system is safer.

Plan Flexibility

As your business grows, your managed IT services can grow with you. Plan flexibility is a tremendous benefit to any small or medium-sized business owner. It makes getting the IT services you need easier for both the present day and in the future.

Access to Top Tier Technology

Managed IT services will give you access to the tools that you need without having to cut corners to save on costs. Updates will be done automatically and you will have access to all the services you need to keep your business on the cutting edge. If you are a small or medium-sized business owner and you are looking for IT solutions that make sense, do what other business owners are doing and contract your IT support.

Learn more about the best managed IT service Houston has to offer to help grow your business while you keep costs in check. Call Progressive IT Services today.