
Most Common Computer Support Headaches (And How to Fix Them)

Most Common Computer Support Headaches (And How to Fix Them)

If your business uses technology, there are some problems that happen so often just thinking about them makes you cringe. At Progressive I.T. Services, we love solving unique problems and thinking outside the technology box. We also get some of the same calls again and again. Let’s talk about the most common computer support headaches businesses face and how to either avoid or troubleshoot them.

Disabled Accounts and Forgotten Passwords

Strong passwords are imperative to data protection and business data security, but when you have a lot of them, they can be hard to remember. We frequently get calls that someone can’t remember how to get into systems or software and employees need help. We’re always happy to help when we can, but when you’re trying to work, you don’t always want to wait even a few minutes for a password reset. Avoid this headache by downloading a password manager like LastPass.

Printer or Copier Doesn’t Work

Technology is great, except when it isn’t. It’s never convenient to send a copy to the printer and never receive it, and not know what happened along the way. Here are a few things to try.

  • Check your printer or copier for error lights. If you get error messages, look online to see the manufacturer’s instructions for decoding them. You might just need to clear a jam or add paper.
  • Make sure you have the right printer selected.
  • Verify cords are plugged into the right outlets. Make sure the printer has power, necessary USB cables are inserted in the correct ports, etc. If you’re not having any luck sending copies over Wi-Fi, try using a USB cable instead.
  • Clear the queue. When everyone in the workplace is sending documents, sometimes the system gets overloaded.
  • Restart both your computer and printer and try again.

Someone Downloaded a Virus

Sooner or later, an employee is going to go somewhere they shouldn’t go and click links or files they shouldn’t click. They visit a coupon site, download a free font, click on a porn website, open an email attachment or browse a pseudo-news website and suddenly your equipment is infected.

The best fix is to install strong anti-virus software on every computer and educate employees on how to keep from compromising cyber-security. Let them know work-issued equipment is monitored, and they should only use that equipment for business. Encourage them to report problems if they think they may have accidentally downloaded something they shouldn’t.

Important Files Got Deleted

It’s heart-stopping to think all your hard work might have been vaporized by an accidental delete. When people call and tell us they accidentally deleted the wrong file, most of the time we can help them find it again.

The first step involves searching in File Explorer. Sometimes a file isn’t missing, it’s just misplaced. Check the recycle bin for items that have been recently deleted. Next, check backups for a copy of the file.

Computer is Too Slow

If your computer is fairly new (purchased within the last few years) and it doesn’t seem to be working as quickly as it used to, your software is probably the culprit.

Sometimes antivirus programs frequently scan and update when you’re trying to do other tasks, and your computer has fewer available resources for the work you’re trying to accomplish. To avoid this, schedule scans for times you won’t be working, but don’t disable the scans altogether. Viruses and malware also make computers run slowly.

When your computer was new, it wasn’t running all the software you’ve installed since. You could have dozens running in the background, all using up system memory and slowing your PC. Uninstall everything you’re not using, along with bloatware that came with your computer from the factory.

Another quick fix is to delete temporary files. On a Windows PC go to My Computer > Windows then right-click “Temp.” Choose View > Details, then select files from previous days and hit delete. Empty your recycle bin.

No Professional Support

You can troubleshoot simple computer issues using YouTube and Google. But eventually, you’re going to need the services of a live Managed I.T. person who has experience solving complicated issues. When you don’t already have experts you can trust, I.T. support headaches can cause a business to grind to a halt. Your employees can’t be productive, you might not be able to access your data and you have more frustration than necessary.

The fix is getting to know a Houston I.T. support specialist before you find yourself facing big problems. If they’re there for the small daily issues, they’ll also be able to step in to untangle major malfunctions.

At Progressive I.T. Services, we’ve been providing computer support for Houston businesses for over 20 years. Our processes let you be proactive in keeping business technology running, so you can focus on running your business, not dealing with I.T. support headaches. Contact us and let’s talk about your computer support needs and how we can help.